So when the Sheol was converted into a prison ship it was stripped of a lot of stuff, like its fighters bombers and drones but how far did they go. So the marine divisions left too, so i assume they took all their gear no weapons no armor no equipment that wasn't a bolted down part of the ship. But what about the equipment that supported the fighters and drones? are the fighter bays and cargo bays the same just with different names are is there stuff in the fighter and drone bays that support them? The marine divisions had to get planet side somehow, so are there drop ships? They likely got stripped too but how much got stripped? The Sheol had to have a number of shuttles even as a prison ship, but I'm willing to bet most of them got taken planetside on Zepher when the crew took shore leave, but did they take all of them? Is Sheol really down to one fighter and one shuttle? The next question is kind of a how screwed are they deal, like did they strip everything out of the marine barracks? Like down to the sheets and mattresses? if there was recreation stuff for all the marines did they strip that too? The author has talked about molecular printing changing logistics and if so it wouldn't make sense to strip the ship to the walls if stuff can easily be printed, but my questions is about available resources just how little do they have? In previous post it was made clear how little of the ship is habitable but if they fix that are the prison sections the only stocked and livable sections? Are the barracks sections so stripped they can't be used? Some of the naval crew sections were in use but are the rest of them stripped?
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Without committing to the fact that Greye and the crew could find any number of things on a ship that has the floor space of a mid-sized European country, the general idea is that anything of military value, high complexity, or sentimental value that wasn't bolted down was likely taken out when the ship was de- and re-commissioned. They also wouldn't want dangerous things and vulnerabilities that inmates could get their hands on in the event of a prison break or containment loss like they suffered. So emergency gear was readily available, like the vacuum suits, and still on stock for a much larger population. There would of course be the tools, weapons, and personal effects of the existing crew and guard force, but if you consider how well armed a certain faction was in the most recent book, you can guess where a lot of those armaments went. Also what happened to the remaining guards on the ship, since they'd have needed living crew to access the armories and storage. (there are a couple hints about that in book 2)
The military infrastructure that was literally a part of the ship itself is still there (actually much more than should be, because it still had its full fixed weapon complement when the Ashtor attacked, which is why it wasn't destroyed). It's implied in the story that Captain Mari was well connected and willing to break regulations when it suited her, I won't go any further with spoilers because discovering what she changed on the ship is part of the next three books at least. As for the fighter wing, so far Anya is the only one that came back, and even then not in one piece. The Ashtor are no joke, even in space combat. The fact that Sheol won that fight in its state of neglect, even barely, is reflective of how ridiculously powerful Megalith class ships are and nothing else. The entire planetary defense of Zephyr folded like an origami bird when the Ashtor arrived, and it was a militarily relevant world near the perimeter of the defensive sphere. You get to see a little more of the power involved in the conclusion of book 2, but if the Sheol ever gets back to its full power, you're going to see something that'll give you a real feel for how diabolically powerful those behemoths really are.
As for materials that can be used in the printers, that's the Raw Materials number he is constantly worrying about in book 2 as he watches it fall, although if he breaks it out into the detail menu you get a lot more info because a lot of that was pre-printed armored plates and whatnot that got used up almost immediately for repairs (I added the "expand" items because truthfully I think it would bore most readers).
The extent of the damage on the ship unknown, same with the habitability range, and one of the things he now no longer has access to are internal sensors that would have given him more info as he restores the ship out from the parts he knows are habitable. That's why he hesitated to sacrifice that system, not that he wanted the ability to spy on everyone, but because internal sensors are also very important to the maintenance, function, and defense of the ship. As a ship tech, he is very well aware of how serious a loss it was. Not having them makes him blind to what happens inside his own ship, but also eliminates what became a very obvious vulnerability for someone who has no choice but to work with the criminal population of the ship (seeing as they are the only ones allowed to be onboard in any capacity).
There's lots of the ship they can't access, though, and venturing out into is going to be part of the fun in the series for a while. With the spotty external sensors and badly limited communications, there's also no telling what might move in and set up shop. There are already at least two known factions on board that are likely to make their own repairs and modifications. :P
For now, the prison section has air, food, and water, along with the officer's section and some of the enlisted barracks between that half-hemisphere's prison block and the old bridge. Medical exists on a column section of every floor from the second to just above engineering (skipping hydroponics) with its own emergency elevator. There is a medical column of that sort in every quarter of the ship. Engineering actually exists through the whole sphere of the two smallest "bottom" floors (the second floor is where the catwalks are and there is technically a service floor beneath engineering that has some interesting places that have been hinted at), so you can think of that as an access point to everything else using the bases of the elevators on the floor above engineering (only the emergency elevator goes to the engineering floor directly) there and traveling up at an angle to quickly access parts of the ship that would otherwise take a long time to walk to if you tried to get there laterally without the vacuum tube transport system working. A lot of the elevators don't work though, either. For obvious reasons.
Other than that, everything else is spotty and has to be approached with vacuum suits, when there is even a path to get to the area. Hmm... think I covered everything, eh?